@media Kickoff Austria event in Lannach
The @media Kickoff Austria event on 27 July exceeded all expectations. The hot summer day perfectly reflected what awaited the participants – an incredible event with hot news! The suitable location Steinhalle Lannach was filled to capacity. No wonder, as the participants were treated to a superb event. Of course, the wonderful speakers also contributed to this: Founder Hubert Freidl, CEO Lyconet Peter Gruber, and Lyconet Vice President Fredi Taucher. They informed about the exciting news from Lyconet and myWorld and visualized the connection to @media.

The @media box is a real gamechanger in many areas. TV, advertising, and shopping are just a few of them. The latter is made even easier with the @media box, giving customers a special kind of TV and shopping experience. Seeing customizable ads while watching TV and receiving benefits for it. Never before has it been so easy!
One thing was clear after the presentations: The revolution of advertising has already started, and it is unstoppable! And the Marketers present were also unstoppable. In the blink of an eye, they jumped out of their seats and rushed to the long-awaited distribution of the @media boxes. Because every Marketer who ordered an @media box in advance was able to pick up two. The day ended with overjoyed and extremely satisfied faces. No one could wait to finally experience the revolution of TV and advertising!